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With a mature gas chromatography technology platform, Expec Technology has launched a series of high-end chromatography products with independent intellectual property rights. The product line covers laboratory chromatography, online chromatography and portable chromatography, with annual sales of more than 2000 sets and cumulative sales of more than 10,000 sets in the past decade.
Technology platform
Lab Gas Chromatograph

· Designed by combining the international advanced chromatographic automatic control technology, product manufacturing technology and interactive intelligent concept, Expec Technology GC 2000 laboratory chromatograph is a new generation of fully digital, intelligent and modular gas chromatograph. It features excellent stability, better scalability and humanized human-computer interaction functions, which provide users with reliable analysis reproducibility and satisfactory sensitivity. The product is equipped with various GC detectors, monopole / tandem mass spectrometer and various pretreatment modules required for routine analysis, to meet the needs of a wide range of applications in various industries.

Online Gas Chromatograph

· Expec Technology online gas chromatograph fully considers the harsh application needs of industrial sites. The product has been strictly tested for electromagnetic compatibility, temperature change and environmental vibration, ensuring the reliability of continuous work in the field for a long time. The product adopts full EPC design and can be equipped with different detectors such as FID/PID/ECD/TCD/FPD/NPD/HID, which can not only realize the analysis of high temperature, high humidity and high concentration gas samples in pollution sources and industrial processes, but also meet the requirements of trace analysis of ppb level in ambient air and water.

Portable Gas Chromatograph

· Expec Technology portable gas chromatograph adopts miniaturized column oven and detector technology, and comes with gas cylinder and battery. It has the characteristics of high integration, easy operation, simple maintenance and reliable operation. The design of the product takes into account the application requirements of on-site rapid detection, and one chassis integrates all modules required for VOCs detection. It can directly measure VOCs components such as non-methane hydrocarbons and benzene series on site without pulling mains supply and connecting circuit gas pipelines, and output data reports in real time, which can meet the needs of on-site rapid analysis in the fields of pollution sources, ambient air and emergency monitoring.

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